Hi, I am Brett William Simpson,
“These experiences, and many others, have helped me understand how to foster self-acceptance, improve interpersonal relationships and manage stress in individuals and businesses alike. ”
I specialise in facilitating emotional literacy and intelligence in individuals and within organisations culture.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” CARL JUNG
I have been blessed with enough adversity to face my mortality and enough care, support and nurturing to foster deep resilience in how I face all of life's experiences.
At age 12 I lost control of my emotions and punched through a glass door resulting in over 250 stitches and 3 surgeries to repair the nerve damage.
At 32 I was diagnosed with a rarely aggressive skin cancer which had global specialists guide my oncologist as to my treatment plan. I was gifted with an unjustified positive perspective by my four compassionate doctors, one which was not aligned to survival statistics of my particular cancer. This set me on a path to learn how my belief, mind and emotions, and subsequent decisions influenced the “luck” in my survival.
I experientially gained an understanding of the mind body connection, the mind-boggling science of the placebo effect, as well as how psychoneuroimmunology (mental intent + emotional feeling) affects physical health through what I choose to believe - FEEL, think and subsequently act upon.
These experiences, and many others, have helped me understand how to foster self-acceptance, improve interpersonal relationships and manage stress in individuals and businesses alike.
“Compassion is the ultimate expression of your highest self”
- Russell Simmons
I am no longer satisfied with conversations and interactions which focus on life's many distractions, but now rather explore questions and experiment with tools and techniques to understand myself and others through new perspectives, astounding science, personal experiences and, above all, the wisdom and intelligence of integrating FEELING into decision-making for a rich and fulfilling life.
My life is now profoundly richer for connecting with the simplicity in momentary Joy and stretching myself outside of my old dated beliefs and behaviour.
I have chosen to share my experiences, both failures and successes, as well as support others in reaching for more self-acceptance and compassion in order to bring contentment, love and purpose into focus.
THE BIG WHY: Being fully human, I do suffer from judgment of others and myself. I can resist what I don't want and I can avoid conflict… but now I also face conflict, I release judgment and I question the beliefs which have modelled my behaviour, actions and life. I now allow myself to feel without judgment or attachment to a story (most of the time ;-) ) and am driven to support others in doing the same. Life is far richer and more meaningful within feeling and without judgment.
The more I own my own beliefs and behaviour with compassion, the more they change and the more I like myself and accept those around me. This started as a selfish pursuit - to be free of judgement and the unacceptable. I have since grown an appetite to focus every moment of every day on this pursuit because it FEELS so good. So now you know my intent and motivation and hopefully that matters in working with me.